Tilt 1.1
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Text File
832 lines
-- background: 3235 from stack: in.1
-- bmap block id: 9132
-- flags: 4000
-- background id: 0
-- name:
----- HyperTalk script -----
On openBackground
end openBackground
On giveResults
global oppAim
global oppLanceFlag
global yourLanceFlag
global yourLances
global oppLances
global oppMissFlag
global yourMissFlag
global youThud
global compThud
global attacker
global oppHitBarrier
global youHitBarrier
global oppHitHorse
global youHitHorse
global aFlag
global hitYourCrest
global hitOppCrest
global yourThudScore
global oppThudScore
global oppCrestScore
global yourCrestScore
global oppGoneFlag
global youGoneFlag
global x
global oppGoesThud
global youGoThud
global oldOppLances
global oldYourLances
global oppLanceWin
global youLanceWin
global winLose
global check
global oppcheck
global youBrokeScore
global oppBrokeScore
-- Where opponent is aiming
If oppAim =1 then put "Crest of Helm" into line two of field 1
If oppAim =2 then put "Helm" into line two of field 1
If oppAim =3 then put "Throat Gorget" into line two of field 1
If oppAim =4 then put "Dexter Chief" into line two of field 1
If oppAim =5 then put "Chief Pale" into line two of field 1
If oppAim =6 then put "Sinister Chief" into line two of field 1
If oppAim =7 then put "Dexter Fess" into line two of field 1
If oppAim =8 then put "Fess Pale" into line two of field 1
If oppAim =9 then put "Sinister Fess" into line two of field 1
If oppAim =10 then put "Shield Base" into line two of field 1
-- Opponent breaks lance
if oppLanceFlag=1 then
put "He Broke Lance!" into line three of field 1
put 0 into oppLanceFlag
end if
-- You break lance
if yourLanceFlag=1 then
put "You Broke Lance!" into line five of field 1
put 0 into yourLanceFlag
end if
-- Opponent Misses
If oppMissFlag=1 then
put "He Missed!" into line three of field 1
put 0 into oppMissFlag
end if
-- You Miss
If yourMissFlag=1 then
put "You Missed!" into line five of field 1
put 0 into yourMissflag
end if
-- Unhorsing
If youThud = 1 then
put "He Unhorsed You!" into line 4 of field 1
put 0 into youThud
add 1 to oppThudScore
put "Opponents Unhorsed: "&oppThudScore into line 2 of field 2
put 1 into youGoThud
put 1 into winLose
end if
If compThud = 1 then
put "You Unhorsed Him!" into line 6 of field 1
put 0 into compThud
add 1 to yourThudScore
put "Opponents Unhorsed: "&yourThudScore into line 2 of field 3
put 1 into oppGoesThud
put 1 into winLose
end if
-- Foul
If oppHitBarrier = 1 then
put "FOUL! Opponent Hits Wall" into line 4 of field 1
put 0 into oppHitBarrier
put oppLances - 1 into oppLances
end if
If oppHitHorse = 1 then
put "FOUL! Opponent Hits Horse!" into line 4 of field 1
put 0 into oppHitHorse
put 1 into oppGoneFlag
put 1 into winLose
end if
If youHitBarrier = 1 then
put "FOUL! You Hit Wall" into line 6 of field 1
put 0 into youHitBarrier
put yourLances - 1 into yourLances
end if
If youHitHorse = 1 then
put "FOUL! You Hit Horse!" into line 6 of field 1
put 0 into youHitHorse
put 1 into youGoneFlag
put 1 into winLose
end if
-- Crests
If hitYourCrest = 1 then
put "HE TORE YOUR CREST!!!" into line 4 of field 1
add 1 to oppCrestScore
put 0 into hitYourCrest
end if
If hitOppCrest = 1 then
put "YOU TORE HIS CREST!!" into line 6 of field 1
add 1 to yourCrestScore
put 0 into hitOppCrest
end if
set the lockScreen to true
put "Crests Claimed: "&oppCrestScore into line 1 of field 2
put "Crests Claimed: "&yourCrestScore into line 1 of field 3
put "Opponents Unhorsed: "&yourThudScore into line 2 of field 3
put "Opponents Unhorsed: "&oppThudScore into line 2 of field 2
put "Lances Broken: "&oppBrokeScore into line 3 of field 2
put "Lances Broken: "&youBrokeScore into line 3 of field 3
put "Lances Total: "&yourLances into line 4 of field 3
put "Lances Total: "&oppLances into line 4 of field 2
if oppBrokeScore = 3 then put 1 into oppLanceWin
if youBrokeScore = 3 then put 1 into youLanceWin
End giveResults
On lanceHit
global aFlag
global eFlag
global attacker
global oppLances
global YourLances
global oppLanceFlag
global yourLanceFlag
global oppLanceWin
global youLanceWin
global check
global oppCheck
global youBrokeScore
global oppBrokeScore
global winlose
If eFlag =1 then maybeFall
If attacker = 1 then
put 1 into oppLanceFlag
add 1 to oppLances
add 1 to oppcheck
add 1 to oppBrokeScore
if oppcheck = 3 then
put 1 into winLose
put 0 into oppcheck
put 0 into check
end if
end if
if attacker = 2 then
put 1 into yourLanceFlag
add 1 to yourLances
add 1 to check
add 1 to youBrokeScore
if check = 3 then
put 1 into winLose
put 0 into check
put 0 into oppcheck
end if
end if
put 0 into eFlag
If aFlag = 1 then maybeCrest
End lanceHit
On miss
global dFlag
global attacker
global oppMissFlag
global yourMissFlag
if attacker = 1 then put 1 into oppMissFlag
if attacker = 2 then put 1 into yourMissFlag
if dFlag = 1 then maybefoul
end Miss
On dice
global roll
Put the random of 20 into roll
End dice
on maybeFall
global eFlag
global roll
global compThud
global youThud
global attacker
global yourLanceFlag
global oppLanceFlag
If (eFlag = 1) and (attacker = 1) then
if roll <=6 then put 1 into youThud
end if
If (eFlag = 1) and (attacker = 2) then
if roll <=6 then put 1 into compThud
end if
put 0 into eFlag
end maybeFall
on maybeFoul
global dFlag
global roll
global attacker
global oppHitBarrier
global youHitBarrier
global oppHitHorse
global youHitHorse
put 0 into dFlag
If attacker = 1 and roll <=5 then
put 1 into oppHitBarrier
end if
if attacker = 1 and roll >5 and roll <9 then
put 1 into oppHitHorse
end if
If attacker = 2 and roll <=5 then
put 1 into youHitBarrier
end if
if attacker = 2 and roll >6 and roll <9 then
put 1 into youHitHorse
end if
end maybeFoul
On maybeCrest
global aFlag
global hitYourCrest
global hitOppCrest
global attacker
global roll
put 0 into aFlag
If attacker = 1 and roll <6 then put 1 into hitYourCrest
If attacker = 2 and roll <6 then put 1 into hitOppCrest
end maybeCrest
On lrCRT
global attacker
global CRTdefense
global CRToffense
global defense
global oppDefense
global aimPoint
global eFlag
global dFlag
global roll
global tempCompScore
global tempYouScore
global tempCompMiss
global tempYouMiss
global oppAim
put 0 into dFlag
put 0 into eFlag
If attacker = 1 then
put defense-20 into CRTdefense
put oppAim into CRToffense
end if
If attacker = 2 then
put oppDefense into CRTdefense
put aimPoint-1 into CRToffense
end if
If CRToffense = 1 then
if roll >= 19 then lanceHit else miss
end if
If CRToffense = 2 then
put 1 into dFlag
if roll >= 18 then lanceHit else miss
put 0 into dFlag
end if
If CRToffense = 3 then
put 1 into dFlag
if roll >= 17 then lanceHit else miss
put 0 into dFlag
end if
If CRToffense = 4 then
if roll >= 6 then lanceHit else miss
end if
If CRToffense = 5 then
if roll >= 11 then lanceHit else miss
end if
If CRToffense = 6 then
put 1 into dFlag
if roll >= 19 then lanceHit else miss
put 0 into dFlag
end if
If CRToffense = 7 then
put 1 into eFlag
if roll >= 9 then lanceHit else miss
put 0 into eFlag
end if
If CRToffense = 8 then
if roll >= 11 then lanceHit else miss
end if
If CRToffense = 9 then
put 1 into dFlag
if roll >= 17 then lanceHit else miss
put 0 into dFlag
end if
If CRToffense = 10 then
put 1 into dFlag
if roll >= 13 then lanceHit else miss
put 0 into dFlag
end if
End lrCRT
On llCRT
global attacker
global CRTdefense
global CRToffense
global defense
global oppDefense
global aimPoint
global eFlag
global dFlag
global roll
global tempCompScore
global tempYouScore
global tempCompMiss
global tempYouMiss
global oppAim
put 0 into dFlag
put 0 into eFlag
If attacker = 1 then
put defense-20 into CRTdefense
put oppAim into CRToffense
end if
If attacker = 2 then
put oppDefense into CRTdefense
put aimPoint-1 into CRToffense
end if
If CRToffense = 1 then
if roll >= 15 then lanceHit else miss
end if
If CRToffense = 2 then
put 1 into eFlag
if roll >= 13 then lanceHit else miss
put 0 into eFlag
end if
If CRToffense = 3 then
if roll >= 13 then lanceHit else miss
end if
If CRToffense = 4 then
put 1 into dFlag
if roll >= 17 then lanceHit else miss
put 0 into dFlag
end if
If CRToffense = 5 then
if roll >= 9 then lanceHit else miss
end if
If CRToffense = 6 then
if roll >= 7 then lanceHit else miss
end if
If CRToffense = 7 then
put 1 into dFlag
if roll >= 15 then lanceHit else miss
put 0 into dFlag
end if
If CRToffense = 8 then
if roll >= 6 then lanceHit else miss
end if
If CRToffense = 9 then
put 1 into eFlag
if roll >= 8 then lanceHit else miss
put 0 into eFlag
end if
If CRToffense = 10 then
put 1 into eFlag
if roll >= 4 then lanceHit else miss
put 0 into eFlag
end if
End llCRT
On ssCRT
global attacker
global CRTdefense
global CRToffense
global defense
global oppDefense
global aimPoint
global aFlag
global eFlag
global dFlag
global roll
global tempCompScore
global tempYouScore
global tempCompMiss
global tempYouMiss
global oppAim
put 0 into aFlag
put 0 into dFlag
put 0 into eFlag
If attacker = 1 then
put defense-20 into CRTdefense
put oppAim into CRToffense
end if
If attacker = 2 then
put oppDefense into CRTdefense
put aimPoint-1 into CRToffense
end if
If CRToffense = 1 then
put 1 into aFlag
if roll >= 13 then lanceHit else miss
put 0 into aFlag
end if
If CRToffense = 2 then
put 1 into eFlag
if roll >= 11 then lanceHit else miss
put 0 into eFlag
end if
If CRToffense = 3 then
if roll >= 11 then lanceHit else miss
end if
If CRToffense = 4 then
if roll >= 6 then lanceHit else miss
end if
If CRToffense = 5 then
put 1 into eFlag
if roll >= 6 then lanceHit else miss
put 0 into eFlag
end if
If CRToffense = 6 then
if roll >= 9 then lanceHit else miss
end if
If CRToffense = 7 then
if roll >= 5 then lanceHit else miss
end if
If CRToffense = 8 then
put 1 into eFlag
if roll >= 3 then lanceHit else miss
put 0 into eFlag
end if
If CRToffense = 9 then
put 1 into eFlag
if roll >= 11 then lanceHit else miss
put 0 into eFlag
end if
If CRToffense = 10 then
if roll >= 6 then lanceHit else miss
end if
End ssCRT
On shCRT
global attacker
global CRTdefense
global CRToffense
global defense
global oppDefense
global aimPoint
global eFlag
global dFlag
global roll
global tempCompScore
global tempYouScore
global tempCompMiss
global tempYouMiss
global oppAim
put 0 into dFlag
put 0 into eFlag
If attacker = 1 then
put defense-20 into CRTdefense
put oppAim into CRToffense
end if
If attacker = 2 then
put oppDefense into CRTdefense
put aimPoint-1 into CRToffense
end if
If CRToffense = 1 then
if roll >= 17 then lanceHit else miss
end if
If CRToffense = 2 then
if roll >= 15 then lanceHit else miss
end if
If CRToffense = 3 then
if roll >= 17 then lanceHit else miss
end if
If CRToffense = 4 then
if roll >= 6 then lanceHit else miss
end if
If CRToffense = 5 then
if roll >= 9 then lanceHit else miss
end if
If CRToffense = 6 then
if roll >= 13 then lanceHit else miss
end if
If CRToffense = 7 then
if roll >= 9 then lanceHit else miss
end if
If CRToffense = 8 then
if roll >= 6 then lanceHit else miss
end if
If CRToffense = 9 then
if roll >= 11 then lanceHit else miss
end if
If CRToffense = 10 then
put 1 into eFlag
if roll >= 3 then lanceHit else miss
put 0 into eFlag
end if
End shCRT
On slCRT
global attacker
global CRTdefense
global CRToffense
global defense
global oppDefense
global aimPoint
global aFlag
global eFlag
global dFlag
global roll
global tempCompScore
global tempYouScore
global tempCompMiss
global tempYouMiss
global oppAim
put 0 into aFlag
put 0 into dFlag
put 0 into eFlag
If attacker = 1 then
put defense-20 into CRTdefense
put oppAim into CRToffense
end if
If attacker = 2 then
put oppDefense into CRTdefense
put aimPoint-1 into CRToffense
end if
If CRToffense = 1 then
put 1 into aFlag
if roll >= 11 then lanceHit else miss
put 0 into aFlag
end if
If CRToffense = 2 then
put 1 into eFlag
if roll >= 13 then lanceHit else miss
put 0 into eFlag
end if
If CRToffense = 3 then
put 1 into eFlag
if roll >= 15 then lanceHit else miss
put 0 into eFlag
end if
If CRToffense = 4 then
if roll >= 15 then lanceHit else miss
end if
If CRToffense = 5 then
put 1 into eFlag
if roll >= 6 then lanceHit else miss
put 0 into eFlag
end if
If CRToffense = 6 then
if roll >= 11 then lanceHit else miss
end if
If CRToffense = 7 then
if roll >= 5 then lanceHit else miss
end if
If CRToffense = 8 then
if roll >= 9 then lanceHit else miss
end if
If CRToffense = 9 then
if roll >= 13 then lanceHit else miss
end if
If CRToffense = 10 then
if roll >= 11 then lanceHit else miss
end if
End slCRT
On lhCRT
global attacker
global CRTdefense
global CRToffense
global defense
global oppDefense
global aimPoint
global eFlag
global dFlag
global roll
global tempCompScore
global tempYouScore
global tempCompMiss
global tempYouMiss
global oppAim
put 0 into dFlag
put 0 into eFlag
If attacker = 1 then
put defense-20 into CRTdefense
put oppAim into CRToffense
end if
If attacker = 2 then
put oppDefense into CRTdefense
put aimPoint-1 into CRToffense
end if
If CRToffense = 1 then
if roll >= 19 then lanceHit else miss
end if
If CRToffense = 2 then
if roll >= 16 then lanceHit else miss
end if
If CRToffense = 3 then
if roll >= 16 then lanceHit else miss
end if
If CRToffense = 4 then
if roll >= 9 then lanceHit else miss
end if
If CRToffense = 5 then
put 1 into eFlag
if roll >= 6 then lanceHit else miss
put 0 into eFlag
end if
If CRToffense = 6 then
if roll >= 13 then lanceHit else miss
end if
If CRToffense = 7 then
if roll >= 9 then lanceHit else miss
end if
If CRToffense = 8 then
if roll >= 5 then lanceHit else miss
end if
If CRToffense = 9 then
if roll >= 11 then lanceHit else miss
end if
If CRToffense = 10 then
if roll >= 11 then lanceHit else miss
end if
End lhCRT
-- part 2 (field)
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-- line height: 18
-- part name: ResultBox
-- part 3 (field)
-- low flags: 01
-- high flags: 0002
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-- title width / last selected line: 0
-- icon id / first selected line: 0 / 0
-- text alignment: 0
-- font id: 5
-- text size: 14
-- style flags: 0
-- line height: 18
-- part name: OwnHonorsBox
-- part 4 (field)
-- low flags: 01
-- high flags: 0002
-- rect: left=247 top=265 right=338 bottom=499
-- title width / last selected line: 0
-- icon id / first selected line: 0 / 0
-- text alignment: 0
-- font id: 5
-- text size: 14
-- style flags: 0
-- line height: 18
-- part name: OppHonorsBox
-- part 6 (field)
-- low flags: 01
-- high flags: 0000
-- rect: left=275 top=130 right=151 bottom=502
-- title width / last selected line: 0
-- icon id / first selected line: 0 / 0
-- text alignment: 0
-- font id: 5
-- text size: 14
-- style flags: 0
-- line height: 18
-- part name:
-- part 8 (button)
-- low flags: 00
-- high flags: 0000
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-- icon id / first selected line: 0 / 0
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-- part name: New Button
----- HyperTalk script -----
on mouseUp
global turn
if turn > 0 then
set the lockScreen to true
put " " into line 2 of field 1
put " " into line 3 of field 1
put " " into line 4 of field 1
put " " into line 5 of field 1
put " " into line 6 of field 1
put "Crests Claimed: " into line 1 of field 2
put "Crests Claimed: " into line 1 of field 3
put "Opponents Unhorsed: " into line 2 of field 2
put "Opponents Unhorsed: " into line 2 of field 3
put "Lances Broken: " into line 3 of field 2
put "Lances Broken: " into line 3 of field 3
put "Lances Total: " into line 4 of field 3
put "Lances Total: " into line 4 of field 2
end if
play "boing"
global oppThudScore
global turn
global oppCrestScore
global yourCrestScore
global oppGoneFlag
global youGoneFlag
global youGoThud
global oppGoesThud
global oppLanceWin
global youLanceWin
global winLose
If winLose = 1 then go Card 10
If winLose = 0 then go to card 2
end mouseUp